Another month have passed and Haeley is turning 3 months old this weekend. Quite a number of events happened in the past few weeks for Haeley. One of the most exciting news we like to annouce is that Haeley has a Godmother and Godfather!! We proudly like to introduce our dear friends: May and Hoover Wong, now known as Kai-Ma and Kai-Yeah (cantonese for godmom/pa). May and Hoover have been Kurt's good friends since their Berkeley days, and since we moved to the Bay Area about 2 1/2 years ago, they have been one of our closest friends here. We even live minutes away from each other! May is great with kids (she has 2 wonderful boys), loves babies and has been showering Haeley with lots of presents, even before Haeley was born. Haeley is one lucky gal!
A tight hug from Godma
Godma May with her 2 boys Ethan and Justin
all the "mothers" of Haeley unite
Power hike at nearby Crystal Springs Reservoir
tender loving care by grandma
-------Haeley's Developments-------
- Haeley has started to sleep through the night. Hooray! She averages around 6 hours, followed by a feed and she slumbers back for another 4-5 hours. (note: sleeping through the night is a pediatrician's term, not by our definition: if she goes to bed at around 9, she'll wakes up at 3am!)
- Now that Haeley is sleeping longer at night, we decided its time to introduce her to her room and crib. We think she likes it there since its roomier than sleeping with us or in her bassinet and more importantly, she don't have to tune in to Dad's snoring (just kidding Kurt).
- She has learned to lick and suck things these days. Put a bib near her month and she'll start licking it. She also likes to suck on her tiny hand and sometimes her own lips just to make some funny sound.
- Haeley likes sitting up straight and she's able to sit up on her own for a few seconds before toppling over.
- Haeley now weighs about 14.5 pounds and is getting so chubby, her cheeks are hanging down her face.
tummy time!
Laughing at mommy's joke
Haeley commits her first fashion crime!
One of her favorite past time: sucking on her own little hand
Her second favorite past time - blowing bubbles
Is there something on my lip?
Haeley is not interested in gourmet food yet
Enjoying her daily hot tub
Grandpa Kwok giving Haeley a jiggle
Hey same outfit! It's a coincidence, I swear!